The ministry where Jesus Christ is Lord and the people are loved.

To effectively develop spiritual leaders by exemplifying the love and the faith of God through teaching His word and Christian fellowship.

To equip the saints to do the works of ministry.
On Sunday, January, 6 1991, Pastor Michael Thomas answered the call to begin Love and Faith Christian Fellowship, Inc. The first service, held in his home, was attended by three participating members. Soon after, others desiring to share a deeper spiritual teaching joined Pastor Thomas in the vision to begin Love and Faith; a place where believers could receive Bible teaching regardless of race, creed or national origin, and a place that would equip them to adequately fulfill the commission of Jesus to go forth as "witnesses" for Christ.
Sunday, January 13, 1991, the worship service was moved to the Best Western Hotel where services were conducted for seven months. In September 1991, the church moved to its third location at 3527 Rehobeth Church Road in Greensboro, NC.
From November 1999 through April 2000, the congregation came together for worship each Sunday at the Carolina Theatre in downtown Greensboro. This was a time for our whole church family to come together under one roof. This also was a move designed to prepare the church family for our soon-to-be completed new church building. Our beautiful new sanctuary on Blackberry Road is large enough to accommodate all our members. It's now the place we call HOME!
On Sunday April 9, 2000, our family entered into the new sanctuary for our initial service in this blessed house of worship.
Beginning with three participating members, and now in our present location, our church family has continued to grow. Presently, the church has over 3000 members, with many more attending on weekends.
Love and Faith Christian Fellowship is comprised of a group of people who support fellowship and missionary work through the giving of tithes and offerings. We are committed to each other and are bound together with the determination to spread the Gospel throughout the world.