Learn More About Our Counseling Ministries
EAGLES NEST BIBLE COLLEGE: Bible College is open to members and non-members of L&FCF. Bible College provides opportunities for in-depth Bible -based study to help students deepen their relationship with the Lord while earning class credits toward graduation. Semesters are scheduled from September to December and February to May on Tuesday and Thursday nights.
ONCOLOGY CIRCLE OF HEALING: This ministry is a support group for men and women to find comfort and encouragement needed to survive cancer. The goal is to use biblical teaching, prayer, encouragement to strengthen and build up those in the healing journey as cancer survivors. Members and non-members are welcome to attend. Scheduled on the 2nd Tuesdays of each month from 6:30-8:30pm.
DIVORCE CARE: Divorce Care is a ministry that offers a support group to each participant. The ministry is for men and women alike who are separated and/or divorced or facing marital uncertainty. We utilize the Divorce Care DVD series, the Divorce Care workbook along with the ministry of God's word to aid in the healing process of each participant. There are thirteen topical lessons that are discussed during our sessions. Our classes are on each Thursday night from 7:00pm-8:30pm. We meet in room C108. You will need to purchase a workbook in the Love and Faith bookstore for $15.
GRIEF SHARE: Grief Share is open to members and non-members of L&FCF. This class offers comfort and encouragement through videos and group discussions for those who have experienced the loss of a close loved one. The focus is on helping people recover from grief due to loss . Usually scheduled on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30 for several weeks.
OVERCOMERS OUTREACH: This ministry provides support, biblical principles, and information for believers struggling with addiction, family problems, or other compulsions. Unconditional love, prayer and God's Word help those attending break the strongholds they have faced. Scheduled for 1st and 3rd Saturdays from 10:00-11:00am.
PRE-MARITAL COUNSELING: The Pre-Marital Counseling Ministry provides 6 weeks of biblical, practical and foundational principles to Love and Faith couples who are engaged to be married. These tools are necessary for having successful marriages and for building strong families, churches and communities.
HEALING & RESTORATION MINISTRY: The Healing and Restoration Ministry focuses on struggles many Christians have with emotional problems rooted in their past (guilt, hurt, abuse, depression, anger, unforgiveness, low self-esteem, shame, perfectionism, etc.). The program allows for personal growth and healing through the principles of God’s Word in a confidential setting, along with the utilization of a workbook which provides the tools to examine the thoughts and behaviors that affect our daily lives. Two 10-week sessions (Fall and Spring) of the program are held annually on Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in Room C133 (separate classes for men and women). The next two sessions are scheduled: August 10 to October 26, 2017 and February 8 to April 26, 2018. For additional information, contact us by calling and leaving a message at 336.632.0551, ext- 1662