Academic Policies & Cost
Correspondence Study
The student is responsible for working at his/her own pace. Each student is responsible for turning in their work according to the facilitator’s syllabus. The courses must be completed in the semester in which it is offered. The student is expected to correspond with the facilitator throughout the semester.
In Class Study
The student is expected to attend class regularly and turn in all assigned homework on time. Three excused absences are allowed per term. A student must get approval from the Dean for extreme emergencies.
Dismissal Criteria
1. If a student has more than three unexcused absences from the class he/she will be dropped or withdrawn from the class; student will have to re-take the class.
2. If all homework is not turned in before the final exam, the student will not be allowed to take the final exam.
3. If you miss the final exam, due to an emergency, you will be given a make-up date and time by your facilitator. Failure to take the final exam will result in a failing grade.
Withdrawal From Class
A student enrolled in a class has the privilege to withdraw from it after two (2) weeks. In order to have the (w) removed the student must re-take the class whenever it is offered. If you need to withdraw, please see your Academic Advisor or Registrar.

Grading System
At the close of each semester each facilitator reports to the registrar the grades of each student. The grades are permanent. Grade with the corresponding numerical value and quality points are awarded as follows: Letter Grade, Numerical Value, and Grade Quality Points
The grade “NG” (no grade) may be assigned to courses continuing beyond a semester.
If you do not successfully pass the class, you may retake it and the higher grade will be used.